Terms and Conditions

/Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions2018-12-20T12:17:29+00:00

Thank you for considering the LeadsNearby Referral program. Our referral partners are very important to us. This agreement is designed with you in mind, as well as protecting you, LeadsNearby and our future clients. Please read thoroughly. If you have any questions, please contact us at partners@leadsnearby.com

Referral Agreement

This agreement describes the terms and conditions for participation in the LeadsNearby Referral program. In this agreement, the term “referral partner” refers to you (the applicant). In this agreement, “LeadsNearby” refers to Local Loyalty Marketing Solutions NC LLC, a North Carolina LLC, with whom you are entering this agreement. By applying to the LeadsNearby Referral program you are confirming that you have read the agreement and agree to the terms and conditions.

Referral Program

The LeadsNearby referral program is available to our valued Clients and Trusted partners only.


For a sale to generate a commission to an referral partner, the referral partner must follow the designated link they are given including their unique identifier. (ex. https://) and supply the needed information regarding the referral.

LeadsNearby will provide referral with a marketing consultation and custom quote for service. Referral must then approve the quote and remit initial payment for the service plus authorize recurring payments. Commissions can be viewed on the Referral Partner Dashboard.

Referral Partner will continue to accumulate commissions for each recurring paid transaction by the customer for as long as the customer remains a paying customer.  

Commission rate is fixed on monthly recurring based on service offering as:

  1. SPARK™ contractor marketing service bundle including f.i.r.e.™ website, Nearby Now and Citation program at $100 per client referred
  2. Custom program at $100 per client referred

At no time will any commission per client referred be greater than $100 per month.

If referred clients receive a rebate from an association or buying group relationship LeadsNearby has (such as Service Roundtable, EGIA, etc), those monies will be deducted from rebate program or Affiliate revenue share before being paid.    These deducted monies will not be noted in the Affiliate dashboard but will be reported separately.


An Referral Partner will receive a payment when their balance reaches a minimum balance of $100 USD.  Payments will be made every quarter by the 15th of the following month (April, July, Oct, Jan). Payments will be paid out via PayPal.  Referral Partner is responsible for ensuring LeadsNearby has their proper paypal account (email address) on record.

If Referral Partner is also a client of LeadsNearby, the referral partner may elect to receive recurring payments in the form of a credit against their monthly service subscription.


In the event a client requests a refund for a transaction for which the Referral Partner has otherwise earned commissions, any commissions earned on the refund amount will be deducted from the Referral Partner’s balance.

Usage and Obligations

Referral Partners are permitted to use the LeadsNearby brand and marketing resources available in the Referral Partners section of the LeadsNearby referral partner portal. Logos and other assets cannot be modified. The Referral Partner does not gain any trademark, copyright or any other rights to these materials.

LeadsNearby will provide the Referral Partner with Authorized promotional materials to include: Sales Sheet(s), Banner Ad(s), Direct Link(s), Lightbox(s), Standard Link(s) and Email Message(s).  Referral Partner may request other material be made available. LeadsNearby will do so or not at its sole discretion.

The Referral Partner will never imply that they are acting on behalf of LeadsNearby and will never advertise LeadsNearby services directly. The Referral Partner will never bid for advertisements that compete with LeadsNearby.

The Referral Partner will never represent themselves, LeadsNearby or their relationship with LeadsNearby in a false or misleading way.  The Referral Partner will not engage in the distribution of an unsolicited bulk email (spam) mentioning or referencing LeadsNearby.

Term and Termination

Either party has the right to terminate the agreement immediately without prior notice.

If the Referral Partner terminates the agreement, no further commissions from LeadsNearby will be paid for any past or future customer transactions.

If LeadsNearby chooses to terminate the agreement, any balance greater than $100 USD will be paid to the referral partner within 60 days of termination. Balances that are smaller than $100 will be forfeited.

LeadsNearby will not be obligated for any commission for future recurring client payments after termination.

Cost of Marketing

The Parties shall each bear its own costs for any marketing and promotion or costs arising out of its participation in this Agreement.  Nothing hereunder shall be construed to require one of the Parties to compensate the other for its marketing costs, business costs, or other costs incurred in promoting or marketing the services.

Nonsolicitation of Personnel

Each party (“Restricted Party”) acknowledges that the other party’s (“Restricting Party”) employees are a valuable asset to such party (“Restricting Party”), difficult to replace, and critical to servicing the customers of the Restricting Party.  Therefore, during the term of this Agreement and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, each Restricted Party shall not directly or indirectly employ, solicit or retain the services of the employees of the Restricting Party for its own benefit or the benefit of another.


The Referral Partner acknowledges that the Company’s (“Restricting Party”) clients are a valuable asset to the Company, difficult to replace, and critical to the success of the Company.  Therefore, during the term of this Agreement and for a period of one (1) year thereafter, the Referral Partner shall not directly or indirectly solicit or offer the same or substantially similar services (as shown above in Commissions section) of the Company to the clients of the Company.

Arbitration and Governing Law

The execution, interpretation and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the internal laws and judicial decisions of the State of North Carolina.  Any dispute arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be finally resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.  The arbitration will be conducted in the English language in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act and the North Carolina Uniform Arbitration Act, as applicable. There shall be three arbitrators. One arbitrator shall be named by each of the parties; the third arbitrator shall be agreed upon by the two arbitrators named by the parties.  The arbitrators shall decide the dispute in accordance with the substantive law of the state of North Carolina.

Agreement Not Exclusive

Nothing in this Agreement shall in any manner grant to Referral Partner an exclusive arrangement with Company and Company shall remain absolutely free to enter into similar agreements with other companies during the Term of this Agreement and on terms and conditions the same as or different than those contained in this Agreement.

Limitation of Liability

Except with regard to their respective indemnification and confidentiality obligations hereunder, in no event shall either of the Parties be liable to the other in contract, tort, strict liability or cause of actions of any nature for any incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive, special or consequential damages, under any circumstances, including, but not limited to, lost profits, revenues, or savings, or the loss of use of any data, even if that party had been advised of, knew, or should have known, of the possibility thereof.


Referral Partner shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company and its directors, officers, and employees from and against all third party allegations, claims, actions, suits, demands, damages, liabilities, obligations, losses, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and costs) which arise out of or relate to any the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Referral Partner or any intentional breach of the Referral Partner’s warranties hereunder this Agreement.

Joint Venture  

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed or interpreted as creating or implying any joint venture, or other similar relationship between the parties.   Nothing contained in this Agreement shall permit or authorize either party to execute any agreement or take any other action that is binding upon the other except as otherwise set forth herein.


We may modify any of the terms and conditions within this Agreement at any time and at our sole discretion. These modifications may include, but not limited to changes in the scope of available commissions, commission schedules, payment procedures and Referral Partner Program rules.